Cast and Crew
in order of appearance
Silke Hagmaier
Martin Stengel
Eva Stürzel
Martin Goldstein
Jörg Zimmermann
Henning Müller
Harry Mayer
Mechthild von Freyberg
Irma Fäthke
Ita Gabert
Sandra Campe
Kosha Joubert
Michael Schönicke
Didi Müller
Dieter Halbach
as well as all the other inhabitants of the village
and the friends and visitors of Sieben Linden
Script, Producer, Camera, Editor, Director: Andi Stiglmayr
Music: André Feldhaus
Production-, camera- and directorial assistance: Martin Bartholomae
Sound: Hans Magnus Pechel
Editing advice: Manuela Kempf
Printed matter design: André Rösler
With particularly thanks to
the Sieben Linden ecovillage
the Agro-co-op employees
Elke BaurWolfram Nolte
Mario Ragwitz
Udo Simonis
all my friends and acquaintances
and, above all, my children